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Modern Foreign Languages


At Lydd Primary School, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest in and thirst for learning other languages as well as support the pupils’ understanding of different cultures in the wider world. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. We aim to build the children’s ‘culture capital’ so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures. In short, we hope to lay the foundations for future language learning. 

In the past French has not been a priority at Lydd Primary, however we are working hard to change this as we are aware of the huge benefits language learning provide.




Our MFL curriculum has been designed by Cave Languages for split year group classes to progressively develop skills in French:

  • Ø In Years 3 and 4 the same structures and grammatical knowledge are revisited in both cycles, however, the vocabulary is different.
  • Ø In Years 5 and 6 some of the same structures are revisited but only by completing the two year cycle will all the knowledge and skills be covered.


These ensure children acquire a bank of vocabulary organised around topics. They ensure development is progressive as they build on previous knowledge from units already studied. 

All children in KS2 are taught French in a weekly discreet lesson.

KS1 children are introduced to MFL through exploring other languages informally when studying another country. 

We are also focusing on French outside the classroom. Songs will be learnt in French during whole school assemblies and signs around the school will also be displayed to make language learning more meaningful and give it a purpose.  



Children in KS2 will become increasingly confident in their use of French, which will be evidenced through their work books and anecdotal evidence of speaking and listening skills. Children becoming increasingly aware of French as a living language, rather than just a subject in school.
