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Our Curriculum Intent

At Lydd Primary School our curriculum is designed to create a community where children participate, succeed and are proud of their achievements. Our emphasis is on allowing everyone to become the very best version of themselves and make the best progress they can from their starting points.  We recognise the importance of the children’s prior learning, providing first-hand experience to allow them to develop their cultural capital, build knowledge and become curious, excited learners. We believe our curriculum is more meaningful when cross-curricular links are made and the needs of the children are at its heart.


Our curriculum:

  • Provides a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils and celebrates the whole child.
  • Gives all children the rich knowledge and understanding together with essential skills to prepare them for future learning.
  • Ensures that local opportunities are valued and exploited to foster a sense of belonging and appreciation of the community our pupils live in.
  • Promotes a positive attitude to learning that motivates, develops resilience and inspires children so that they flourish and thrive.
  • Celebrates the diversity of the wider community through opportunities to learn about, celebrate and appreciate difference.
  • Promotes aspiration and a thirst to look beyond the immediate locality for further opportunities.
  • Is language rich to enable our pupils to acquire new vocabulary and therefore learn to use new words when speaking, this is to support our pupils to learn to speak and use language confidently, which they can then develop in their writing.

Please contact the school if you'd like to know anymore about the curriculum the school follows.
