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Olympic Athlete to visit Lydd Primary School

We are absolutely thrilled that Montell Douglas (British Summer and Winter Olympian) will visit the school on 26th May 2022.


Montell holds the accolade of being the first British woman to represent GB & NI in both the Summer and Winter Olympics. She is in a select band of elite athletes that have achieved this.  

She will lead an assembly and then a circuit of sporting activities with us. The circuit will comprise of Leg Drives, Spotty Dogs, Full or Half Press-Ups, and Star Jumps - each activity will be measured over 60 seconds. Sponsorship forms will come home - please look out for them, they contain a lot more information and guidance. The money raised from the event is split in favour of the school and will be used to further promote sports and healthy lifestyle in our school.


Our school’s Crowdfunder page is now live!
