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Year 1 Foxes Class

Welcome to Foxes Class 

Hello and welcome to Foxes Class.

This page is where we share some important information about what we will be learning as well as our class routines.

We will continue to use the Tapestry Journal to share insights into our daily learning and special events in school, so please continue to check regularly for any updates.



In Term 1 we will be learning about Fairy Tales and our first tale is the 3 Little Pigs,

we will be completing lots of exciting activities around the text.


We will continue our phonics learning journey using Little Wandle which will follow the same format as the children have been using in EYFS. We will continue to have a a daily phonics session which supports their guided reading sessions all week. On Friday books are sent home to read and these are kept for a week before being changed for a new text again the following Friday. 

Sharing books will still be coming home as in EYFS but children will be in charge of changing their books as and when they are ready, these books can be chosen from a selection of texts in a similar way to a library. Sharing books can be a challenging text which a child has chosen so that an adult can read it to them. Sharing books are an ideal way to develop comprehension skills were you can ask questions linked to the story line, characters or even make predictions about what might happen next?

Book Corner

Enjoying the art of reading is essential and therefore our book corner is an inviting space where you can sit and read quietly. Whilst in the book corner there are a selection of texts available to enjoy from fiction, poetry, non-fiction and information books. There are book reviews to complete to share your thoughts on the text you have read.


In Term 1 we will continue to explore how a number can be made up of two parts and recall number bonds to 10. A large part of our Mastery Maths learning focuses on being able to subitise and we continue to reinforce this throughout all aspects of our learning "see the amount, don't count". 


We will be learning about everyday materials and their uses focusing on their properties and how we use them. We will also be investigating how materials are suited to specific items whilst learning key vocabulary and identifying similarities and differences.


Our P.E day will be Tuesday and the kit should include a plain white top, black or blue shorts/joggers and either trainers or plimsolls please could we ask all items are clearly named and kept in a suitable bag.


In Year 1 we send home homework in a homework book every Friday, this is optional but a good habit to get into and is often an extension of our learning or a fun piece of work/art. We ask kindly that books are returned by the following Friday so a new piece of work can be added.

   Thank you,

from the Foxes team.
