Should you have any questions or queries please contact Claire or Jackie in the school office on 01797 320362
We are part of Our Community Multi Academy Trust
Correspondence and registered company address:
c/o Lynsted and Norton Primary School
Lynsted, Sittingbourne
Kent, ME9 0RL
01795 606500
Registered Number : 10842747
HR and Finance
c/o Lynsted and Norton Primary School
Lynsted Sittingbourne
Kent, ME9 0RL
01795 606500 and
Admin, Press and Compliance
c/o Lynsted and Norton Primary School
Lynsted Sittingbourne
Kent, ME9 0RL
01795 606500
Clerk to the Trustees
For matters relating to the governance of Our Community Multi Academy Trust and complaints please email
CEO: Mr David Whitehead
To contact please use the above address or email through the website.
Executive Headteacher: Mrs N Man
Head of School: Mr C Brundle
To contact please use the contact form below
Chair of Governors: Mr R Ireland
To contact please use the contact form below
SENCO/Inclusion Lead
KS1: Miss Rachel Aitken
KS2: Miss Alison Simmonds
Enquiries: Claire Carter
Claire Carter - Office Manager
Jackie Addison - Receptionist, Attendance Officer
Trust Attendance Manager : Mrs Amanda Adcock
01797 320362
Trust Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Sarah Baker
01797 320362
If you require paper copies of any of the information contained in this website, please contact the school office.
School Hours:
Breakfast Club opens at 7.30am
Gates open at 8.40am Register Called 8.50am End of Day 3.15pm
Requesting a leave of absence
If you are needing to take an unavoidable leave of absence for your child please complete this form, which will be sent to Mrs Adcock our Trust Attendance Officer, who will respond at her earliest convenience.
Our Community Academy Trust website:
Trust policies will be available through the link above