All children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities, making full use of externally provided facilities where appropriate. We aim to identify children with SEN as early as we can and provide support to assist them in overcoming barriers to success.
As of September 1st 2014 the new ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years' for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities was introduced by the Government with statutory guidance for schools. This came about because of changes made to the ‘Children and Families Act 2014’.
Part of the changes made include a requirement that all local Authorities produce a ‘Local Offer’, outlining what the Authority offer to support children with SEN.
Mainstream Core Standards
The Mainstream Core Standards provides a framework for schools to support children and young people with SEND. Kent Local Authority has published a document for parents and carers which is a summary of the guidance given to schools. It explains what schools must do to support children and young people with SEND so that they are included in all aspects of school life (or are as included as they wish to be), make progress and are happy in school. You can read this guidance by clicking on the attached link.
The definition of ‘Special Educational Needs’ is set out in the new code of practice and is:-
‘A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
Many children during their school life encounter difficulties either of a general nature or with one or more specific areas of the curriculum. We aim to identify these children as early as we can and provide support to assist them in overcoming barriers to success. Where there are difficulties or concerns, our Special Needs Co-ordinators (SENCo) are there to help and support children, parents and teachers.
What is the SENCo’s role?
We are lucky to have a SENCO for each Key Stage. Miss Aitken is our Early Years and KS1 SENCo and Miss Simmonds is the SENCo responsible for the children in KS2. It is our responsibility to work closely with class teachers to ensure that every child with SEN gets the support they need.
How do I do that?
Any child highlighted as making progress which is significantly different from age appropriate expectations, has additional provision planned for them. This is outlined on a class Provision Map. These interventions are carried out and usually last between 6-12 weeks. A review of the impact and next steps is discussed at Pupil Progress Meetings.
What happens next?
If your child has made rapid progress and reached age appropriate expectations, then they are removed from the Provision Map but monitored closely. If your child remains below age appropriate expectations then further interventions are considered.
What is the SEN Register?
Your child will be placed on a SEN Register if the provision is additional from, or different to, that normally available to pupils of the same age. With permission from parents, children needing further help from Outside Agencies will be referred to LIFT (Local Inclusion Forum Team) where experts are on hand to offer advice, additional support and take on referrals. Children can move on and off the register and parents will be informed at each stage. Children who have an EHC (Education, Health Care Plan-formerly a Statement of Education) are automatically placed on the SEN Register.
How to contact us
If you have concerns about your child’s progress, behaviour or well-being, talk to their class teacher in the first instance. They may recommend a further meeting with one of us to discuss particular issues and to suggest ideas on how to move forward. If you have any questions about the provision available to your child, please contact one of us via the school office to arrange an appointment. Tel: 01797 320 362 E-mail:
The process for raising your concerns is explained in the attached signposting document.
The Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK) offers support and advice for parents - and families of disabled children - and children with SEN.
Listed below is a brief overview of the key additional programmes we deliver to support all learners, where appropriate. If you wish to discuss your child’s support programmes please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators:
Miss Alison Simmonds (KS2) Miss Rachel Aitken (EYFS & KS1)
Dyslexia friendly classroom practices are reflected throughout the school. Staff are supported to ensure they are meeting the needs of dyslexic children through regular training and we can also seek the support of the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS). You can read more about dyslexia by visiting the British Dyslexia Association where you can read their latest newsletter. Other websites that might prove useful are Kent West Dyslexia Association and Dyslexia Action.
A speech programme which targets sounds that children have difficulties in producing. Children are tested within the school using this specialised computer programme and then the class teacher or teaching assistant delivers the suggested individualised programmes.
Speech and Language
As a school, we work closely with the local Speech and Language Therapy Team. This year, we have begun a new type of approach in supporting children who have Speech and Language difficulties (either in the early stages of referral or those currently receiving specialist support). Our NHS link speech & language therapists as well as specialist teachers will be in school on a more regular basis to help support teaching staff with universal and targeted approaches to improve speech and communication. We are also keen to work with parents and will be publishing details soon about a coffee morning and workshops in 2024.
Fine motor skills
Fine motor skills are vital to the development of many competencies in young children. Activities are divided into sections focusing on warming up, hand and finger strength, manipulation and eye-hand co-ordination. A programme called Clever Fingers is used for this purpose. Our handwriting programme (Teach Handwriting) also includes lots of warm up exercises which focus on the five main areas of the body that become tense when a child is handwriting.
The Fizzy programme has been developed by Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists. It is graded and measurable in three stages and works on three specific areas- balance, ball skills and body awareness.
Zones of Regulation
Zones of Regulation provides a common vocabulary to discuss emotions and find ways to self-regulate, it is simple for children to understand and can be used in the classroom as well as at home to develop resilience. Each classroom has a Zones of Regulation display and check in point so teachers have a quick way to identify children who may need support.
Emotional support/counselling
This intervention is accessible to pupils who may be experiencing difficulty with some aspects of home/school life e.g. a family bereavement which may impact on their school life. Lydd Primary School employs a fully qualified counsellor to support pupils talk through their worries and develop strategies.
Nurture provision is a short term, focused intervention for children with identified social, emotional and behavioural difficulties which are creating a barrier to learning. At Lydd, Nurture can be as little as a temporary learning break for children who just need a bit of pastoral support or it can be a part of the child’s EHC plan and deliver specific activities to help the child meet identified targets.
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends is an intervention to help support children who are experiencing social difficulties. It works by developing a support network around a focus pupil and enabling their peers to provide support and engage in problem solving. The leading adult meets with the circle and the focus pupil for around 20-30 minutes weekly, identifying targets to work on and providing ideas and support to help overcome social difficulties whether this is in the playground or in the classroom.
If you wish to discuss any of the above or a specific issue regarding your child, please contact the School for further information and advice.
Working with parents
We have regular coffee mornings for parents and carers of children who have any type of Special or Additional Educational need. This is an opportunity for parents to have a chat with other parents and professionals, share experiences and ask for advice. Throughout the year, we like to run information events on important issues and current initiatives. SENCOs are also available at parent consultation evenings. Look out for our SEN newsletters for more information about upcoming parent events.