The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
· develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
· are physically active for sustained periods of time
· engage in competitive sports and activities
· lead healthy, active lives.
At Lydd Primary School, we aim to ensure that all children take part in and enjoy a variety of sporting activities. In addition to our curriculum provision, we offer extra-curricular sports clubs and promote local clubs to complement and enhance our offering.
We encourage the children to compete with themselves and each other as well as co-operate as part of a team.
PE lessons are an integral part of our curriculum; furthermore, our school environment contains and encourages many opportunities to exercise further. These include investment in unit blocks (construction equipment, wheelbarrows etc.) in our Early Year's Foundation Stage, a new trim trail on the Infant Playground, an extended trim trail on the school field, and, on our Junior Playground, two fixed Nordic Skiers and a recumbent Exercise Bike. Other playground (and school field) break and lunchtime equipment is also available to all; furthermore, Play Leaders and Lunchtime Supervisors help organise activities and games too.
The Daily Mile is a feature of our daily timetable further promoting exercise; we have invested in MOKI bands - an activity capturing data band which pupils wear (similar to a FitBit).
Swimming lessons were conducted in Rye Leisure Centre’s pool with sessions lead by specialist teachers. However, due to the energy crisis, the pool was closed impacting our pupils and those of 11 other local schools. After some considerable effort, we managed to secure some further lessons using another school's outdoor pool, completing the Year 6 curriculum.
Children experience appropriate competition within lessons, school clubs, intra-school events and inter-school events (such as District Sports and the Herald Cup). Outside Sports Clubs and athletes are utilised to widen the sporting experience for Lydd pupils.
The PE Lead regularly updates the pupils with assemblies detailing sporting opportunities and events. Through pupil voice, pupils have their say to influence and shape the future offerings, including clubs, workshops, intra-school tournaments, etc.
Sports Funding has enabled us to, amongst other things, invest in PE and playground equipment, enrich with specialist sports tuition, and provide additional inspirational experiences – see the links in the Primary PE & Sport Premium Grant: Lydd Primary School section below for more detail on this.
You can read more about the coverage of Physical Education in Curriculum Maps. See the link below:
Having experienced a range of sports and physical activities, pupils leave Lydd Primary School with a good grasp of the physical education curriculum. We expect them to know the importance of, and be able to value, their health and well-being, understanding the positive impact that exercise has both physically and mentally.