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Parent / Teacher Consultations

We offer a parent/ teacher consultation three times a year  to enable you to discuss your child’s progress and any concerns you may have. Throughout the year we also hold meetings and events where you can join your child in their classroom, for example ‘Christmas Decoration Afternoon’. Once a year, an annual report is produced which contains all of your child’s test scores and sets out targets for the next year. Children also have targets in English and Maths which are reviewed on a termly basis.


Parental help in school

We welcome all parents or grandparents who would like to help in the school, please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any spare time.  In keeping with our Child Protection policies regular visitors would be subject to an Enhanced Disclosure Check.


Complaints Procedure

Parents are encouraged to contact the class teacher in the first instance should they wish to discuss any concerns; the Head of School and Principal are available, normally by appointment to discuss any matters relating to the school. Should these avenues not resolve any matter satisfactorily then the Chairman of the Governing Body can be contacted via the school. If you remain dissatisfied all parents have the legal right to contact the Secretary of State for Education. 
