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Year 5/6 Tigers Class

Welcome to the Year 5/6 Tigers!



This year we will be working very hard on a range of different topics, as well as learning to work as part of a team, learning about the importance of resilience and becoming more independent learners in preparation for Year 6 and secondary school!









Our English lessons are based on high quality and engaging texts which link to our topic lessons. This year we have decided to start the year with 'Who Let the Gods Out' and we will use these texts as a stimulus to inspire the children’s writing across a range of genres including diary entries, reports and letters. In addition, children will develop their Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) skills in discrete lessons. 





What will my child learn in year 5 maths lessons?


In year 5, pupils will continue to work with increasingly large numbers and practise solving multi-step problems in context. They’ll also expand their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes and practise converting between different units of measurement.

And that’s not all. There are eight key areas of study included in the maths curriculum for that school year, which are:

  • Number and Place Value;
  • Addition and Subtraction;
  • Multiplication and Division;
  • Fractions;
  • Measurement;
  • Properties of Shape;
  • Position and Direction;
  • Statistics.

Each of these topic areas is important for helping kids develop an array of maths skills. After all, we need to use maths more often than we think!



Year 6 Maths Curriculum: Areas of Study


There are 9 main topic areas of study included in the curriculum for that school year, which are:

  • Number - Number and Place Value;
  • Number - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division;
  • Number - Fractions;
  • Algebra;
  • Ratio and Proportion;
  • Measurement;
  • Geometry - Properties of Shape;
  • Geometry - Position and Direction;
  • Statistics.

This variety of maths concepts will help develop children’s ability to complete complex maths calculations and their number sense. But that’s not all! Included are practical aspects of maths, such as using charts, measuring length, converting between time units and more. These will help children understand how useful maths is in real life.


Have a look at the Curriculum Maps to keep up to date with all the exciting topics we cover during the year.



What do I need to know about SATs?


 SATs are an important part of Year 6 and we’ll be working hard throughout the year to secure the skills and knowledge to enable the children to succeed in their assessments. However, we want the children to understand they are SO MUCH MORE THAN A SCORE.

The SATs tests assess children’s competencies in Maths, Reading & Writing which are, unquestionably, vital skills and set them up for future success in Secondary education and beyond. But, and it’s a big but, these tests do not show what fantastic dancers, artists, golfers, singers, gamers, Lego builders and chefs we have in our midst! 


So, while we want the children to try their best and develop their skills and understanding in these core areas, it’s important for them to know that this is just a small measure of their all-round-awesomeness! 



Reading at home


We would expect your child to read at least three times a week

Have a look at these questions to help guide your discussions:


How can parents help? 


  • Reading at home.  Please remember to log all home reading on Go Read so that they can be awarded stamps towards our school reading rewards prizes. Please note, it is fine to sign Go Read whenever your child reads something, not just their school books.  Enjoying reading is just as important as building up a range of skills!
  • Looking at everyday measurements and prices when out shopping or cooking at home.
  • Making predictions about and discussing any TV programs that you may watch together. This really helps build an understanding of the world, as well as helping with comprehension and creative writing skills. 
  • Time.  Telling the time using both (including with Roman numerals) analogue and digital clocks.
  • Times Tables. 


Thank you for your support. 


 Mrs McCarthy




