National Curriculum in England September 2013
The skills children learn in early years will be with them for the rest of their lives. In EYFS, children learn about counting and understand numbers to 10 in depth by learning how these numbers are related to one another and looking for patterns within them. By mastering number, the children acquire a strong foundation on which their future mathematical knowledge can build and they do this using real objects to apply and deepen their understanding and combine with vocabulary to help them describe and explain their ideas. Children also need rich experiences in order to develop ideas in shape, space and measure. Children will develop:
Counting skills beyond 20
A deep understanding of all numbers to 10
Automatic recall of pairs of numbers that make 5 and beyond to make 10
Vocabulary of greater than, less than and equal to by comparing quantities
Language linked to shape, length, weight, height, capacity, position, time and money
This will make them ready for Year 1.
Children’s understanding of number develops significantly through KS1 so that by the time they reach the end of Year 2, children are confident and fluent with whole numbers, counting and place value. This approach means they can confidently apply their understanding of number to other areas of mathematics such as measure where they study length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money, and statistics. They become increasingly knowledgeable about the properties of different shapes and the vocabulary used to describe them and they apply their knowledge of them to compare and sort them.
Concepts in number are developed further through KS2 with a focus on the four operations using both written and mental methods which involve increasingly large whole numbers. In time, they develop connections between multiplication and division with fractions and decimals, percentages and ratio so that they apply a deep understanding to a wide range of increasingly complex problems. This incremental development of ideas in number together with a more sophisticated vocabulary to describe and explain their ideas, underpins high-level teaching in measure, statistics, geometry and algebra.
Maths lessons, based directly on the national curriculum programmes of study, are delivered daily following a mastery approach
Our bespoke mastery curriculum is carefully sequenced but remains ‘elastic’ to ensure progression and depth of understanding which is essential before moving on
Lessons are sequenced and delivered primarily using the ‘Maths Shed’ programme which has high quality, probing questions and carefully sequenced small steps which give children opportunities to develop declarative and procedural fluency before extending and applying mathematical understanding and reasoning as the lesson progresses
Maths learning is embedded with other - high quality and rigorously reviewed - resources such as ‘I see Reasoning & Problem Solving’ Third Space Learning & PiXL Maths Interventions which all follow the core principles of mastery
We emphasise vocabulary and language to help children describe, explain and remember their mathematical understanding – oracy is at the heart of our curriculum
We use a wide range of manipulatives, pictorial representations and diagrams to support all children in gaining conceptual understanding of ideas and internal structures of numbers and operations
We ensure daily practice of fundamental number facts to help children store these in their long-term memory
We encourage children to make connections based on known facts so that they realise they have access to an infinite number of other facts
We scaffold and challenge all children to achieve confidence and independence in mathematics through the use of manipulatives, vocabulary and language, repetition and rapid intervention where appropriate
We bring problem-solving to the foreground because we want children to explore ideas for themselves by making observations, spotting patterns, highlighting connections, following their hunches, considering alternative ways of doing something and to wrestle with their efforts
We assess children’s understanding through dynamic, short-cycle, formative assessment so that we can react quickly to any developing misconceptions
We administer summative tests termly following the PiXl assessment programme for children from Y2. The data is forensically analysed to identify any gaps in understanding and plan interventions to meet individual needs of children so ensuring all learners make good or better progress
We develop teacher’ expertise in maths teaching through carefully identified CPD courses and by regular meetings with the Maths Lead
Regular monitoring and evaluation of children’s learning shows us that children’s attitudes towards mathematics are positive and that they are frequently excited by their learning
Our monitoring of progress shows that children develop and refine their maths skills – they learn well and remember well
Children can independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems and in real life contexts in school and beyond
Despite the impact of the pandemic, at the end of Key Stage 2, pupils still achieved broadly in line with National outcomes with our vulnerable disadvantaged children exceeding National standards.