Welcome back to school and to Year 5! This year we will be working very hard on a range of different topics, as well as learning to work as part of a team, learning about the importance of resilience and becoming more independent learners.
In English we will spend the year looking at a range of books and carrying out a wide range of reading and writing activities based around them. We will also be developing our reading and writing skills through a range of both short films and longer chapter books. Spelling is a big focus this year, so we will be looking at mnemonics, tricks and tips to help us improve our knowledge of how words are written. Weekly homework will be set on this and children will have the opportunity to enter Spelling Shed competitions to support this. Furthermore, we will be improving our reading skills to work on our comprehension of texts on a variety of topics.
In Maths we will be using Maths Shed, focusing on a range of key skills; developing written methods, increasing speed, increasing our knowledge of shapes, measures and data. Whenever possible we link Maths to real life situations. We will also be practising our times tables every day to help us gain confidence and fluency to help us in all areas of Maths. Times Tables Rockstars is really helping us with our fluency!
Click on the link below to see what else we will be getting up to, by looking at our our curriculum map. We are on cycle B.
PSHE is based around the Jigsaw Scheme, which we work on each week as well as enjoying team work games and relaxation time.
PE is on Friday, though it is useful to keep PE kits in school from Monday –Friday in case we have any special sessions.
How can parents help?
Thank you for your support.
Miss Raby