We are a vibrant, friendly, fully inclusive school-maintained nursery.
We offer an imaginative, stimulating multi-sensory, and language rich environment, with carefully planned provision to meet the children’s individual needs using the EYFS framework.
For further information please follow this link.
Our learning is ‘Child led’, following interests and needs. We will update you regularly on our learning adventures. Please don’t forget to check your child’s Learning journey on Tapestry!
We are a sessional setting and have the capacity to take up to 26 children per session.
Did you know your 3 or 4 year old is entitled to up to 30 hours of free Nursery Education?
We take children from the term after their third birthday and offer 15 free hours of nursery per week, in 3 hourly sessions. These children attend either a morning or afternoon session each day.
In addition to this we also offer 30 hours for working parents of 3 and 4-year olds. These children eat their lunch at nursery and attend both morning and afternoon sessions.
To find out if you qualify for your child to receive 30 hours of free child care follow the following link
Parents need to be aware that entitlement to a Free Early Education place does not offer a guarantee of a place at any one provider or a particular pattern of delivery.
Sessions available are
Morning 9.00am - 12.00pm
Afternoon 12.00pm - 3.00pm
Information about Special Educational Needs is detailed in the ‘Special Educational Needs (SEN)’ section of the school website.
Rachel Aitken, the SENCO for Bluebells Nursery is also the SENCO for Reception and Key Stage 1 at Lydd Primary School and will offer advice and support for any concerns you may have regarding your child’s development, behaviour or well -being.
The Local Authority produce a ‘Local Offer’, that outlines support they have available to Children with SEN. You can find this by going to
A more detailed account of provision particular to Bluebells Nursery is part of the Local offer and can be found using the link below.