Hello and welcome to Squirrel Class.
This page has information about the class routines and termly learning. We use Tapestry Journal as another way to communicate and update you about your child's learning; please do check regularly for more personalised updates or if you need to contact your class teacher.
Daily routine | |
8.40AM | Doors open and Squirrels come in to put their home things away. Squirrels then sit at their desk to do their early work. |
8.50AM | Doors shut ready for the register. If you get to the door and it is shut please make your way around to the office to have your child registered there. |
9AM | Assembly |
9.15AM | Phonics |
9.40AM | English |
10.30AM | Fruit break time- fruit snacks are provided by school but you can send in some fruit with your child if you would prefer. |
10.50AM | Maths |
11.50AM | Lunch. All children in KS1 are entitled to free school meals by a government universal infant free meals scheme. You don't need to do anything to access this your child simple asks for school dinner during the register every morning to receive their free lunch. Menus are uploaded to Lydd Primary website. :https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/universal-infant-free-school-meals-uifsm-2023-to-2024 |
12.50PM | Register |
1PM | Maths mastery (Apart from Tuesday when we do PE) |
1.10PM | Guided reading (Apart from Tuesday when we do PE) |
1.30PM | Extra curricular subjects |
2PM | Break time |
2.10PM | Extra curricular subjects |
3PM | Home time things and a story before we go home |
3.15PM | Doors open to go home. |
In phonics we follow a scheme called Little Wandle. In this scheme there are reading books that match the phonics we are learning weekly. The children read this book in their guided reading sessions all week and then every Friday this book is sent home to be read with you. You can keep that book for a week and return it the following Friday ready for the next book.
We also have a sharing book corner which works similar to a library. The children can come and take a book, put it in their book bag and read it with you at home. The following day they can return that book and choose a new one.
To summarise your child will have 1 weekly phonics book (home book) that they read to you that changes every Friday.
They can independently choose a sharing book that you read together and this can be changed daily if you like.
In year 1 we send home homework in a homework book on a Friday. This is optional and is only in preparation for when they are in the older years of school. We choose homework which reflects the learning from that week, so it is a great time to talk to your child and see what they have learnt.
This goes out every Friday and we ask that books are back in by the following Friday for the new piece. Marking is in the form of a stamp that says "great homework". This is to show you we have seen the homework; if your child has made any mistakes we will still stamp the work but will also work through the mistakes with your child that week through interventions.
In Squirrel class we will be looking at The three little pigs fairy-tale which ties in nicely with our science topic this term of Materials. We will also be exploring alternative fairy-tales and looking at the story from the Wolf's point of view. Within English writing we are expecting the children to use known phonics to write words/ sentences that are phonetically plausible. By the end of the term children should also be using a capital letter and full stop correctly and consistently.
In maths we are starting a maths scheme called White Rose maths. This scheme is very similar to the one we were using in that it follows the same process for maths mastery. We will be working on the children's problem solving and reasoning as we cover the maths curriculum.
Our topic is Materials. We will be looking at material properties and why they are best suited to everyday objects. For example a question we might as the children is why do we not have paper windows? Our English theme of The three little pigs also lends nicely and we will be exploring which materials are best suited to building homes.
We use a scheme called JIGSAW to deliver our PSHE/RSE curriculum.
Our current topic is 'Being me in my own world' in which we talk about 'Who am I and how do I fit?'
We use a scheme called Little Wandle. Term 1 is recapping phase 2 and 3 (pink and blue sounds) and starting to blend sounds which supports us in reading words.
We will be both inside and outside in our PE lessons (weather depending) PE kit is a plain white top, black or blue shorts/joggers and either trainers or plimsolls. We have a timetabled PE lesson on a Tuesday but we often do PE activities throughout the week so a PE kit in school all week is preferable.
This term we are looking at portraits and different ways we can create portraits.
We use a scheme called Charanga to listen and appraise music.
In RE this term the children will learn about Christianity.
Thank you,
The Squirrel team.