KAH Ukraine Appeal
I am sure that we all will have been touched and affected by the terrible scenes that we are witnessing on a daily basis as a result of the invasion of Ukraine. At Lydd Primary we would very much like to do whatever we can to help people that are being affected in this humanitarian crisis.
Our school is part of the Kent Association of Head Teachers (KAH) and together with many other schools across the county we are working to collect supplies and resources that we can send to Ukrainian refugees that have crossed the border into Poland.
Mr Dan File (Head Teacher, Elham Primary School) has organised a 40ft container that is being sited at West Park Farm Industrial Estate, Folkestone. He has also organised a number of HGVs which will be used to transport the donations to Poland.
KAH are working with KCC, the British Red Cross and the Invicta Rotary club to collect and transport items in the next few days and weeks. If you would like to help our friends in Ukraine and support our appeal then there are a number of ways that you can get involved:
- Donations of supplies: If you are able to donate any items on the list below, we would be very grateful indeed. We are not asking you necessarily to go out to purchase these items but would ask if you have any of these at home and they are in a good condition and can be spared then they would be gratefully received.
- We need to raise money for fuel for the HGVs that will take these donations to Poland, A Go Fund me page has been set up and we are asking if you can share this far and wide especially with people that have businesses or if they are part of organisations that could support us. The Go Fund Me Page can be found here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/igor-kovalenko-1?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=socpledgemobile&utm_content=igor-kovalenko-1&utm_campaign=post-pledge-mobile&utm_term=vxG2pyjD7
- We are also asking for volunteers to assist at the collection site which has been set up in Folkestone (Big Jigs in Folkestone- Unit B, Kingsmead, West, Park Farm Industrial Estate, Folkestone CT19 5EU.) If you can share this request across our community via social media sites that you are part of, we would be very grateful. Please can any potential volunteers please contact Dan File:
If you are able to donate any items from the list please can you bring them into the school office in the next two weeks. We will keep you informed of any subsequent collections in case you are unable to donate by the first scheduled delivery.
This appeal is likely to result in a huge effort across our county and will demonstrate the unquestionable compassion we have for those that are suffering the unimaginable horrors of war. We really are truly grateful for any support you can give as it will make a huge difference to the lives of everyone that have had their lives changed beyond measure.
Items for donation
- baby formula (especially hypoallergenic one - huge shortage)
- baby feeding bottles, sterilising equipment (nothing electric - different sockets)
- baby food
- nappies - any sizes
- painkiller medication, especially children's
- charging banks for mobile phones
- warm socks/gloves/warm hats
- camping mats
- sleeping bags
- protein/energy bars
- anti-flu medication (Lemsips etc.)
- wound dressings
- first aid kits
- warm blankets
- thermal/base layers
- hot water bottles
- insulated flasks
- female sanitary products
- any clean soft toys/teddy bears
- a letter/ card of hope and support from children and families.