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Governance & Term of Office


OCMAT offers generic policies for its schools, which are reflected on this website. The individuality of each school’s context means there may be occasions when a school needs to include appendices to the main policy document in line with its own context. As a Trust, we continually review all our policies.


Strategic management

As an Academy, our Articles of Association determine our governance structure. For a copy of this and further information about the Trust's governance, including membership and attendance at governance meetings.

Further information relating to our local and Trust governance can also be seen on the DFE Website 'Get Information About Schools' (GIAS).

Join Us! 

We currently have 2 vacancies on our Governing Body. If you are interested and would like to join us please contact the school office and we will put you in touch with our Chair of Governors Ron Ireland for further details.

If you're interested in becoming a member of our Local Academy Council (local governance) or a Trustee, please click here to go to the Vacancies page on The OCMAT Website for further information and an application form.


Local Governance

Each school has a Local Academy Council, which comprise of the Head Teacher, the Head Teacher from another school within the Trust and a number of non-Trustee members.


Academy Councils are chaired by one of its members. They provide local challenge to the Head Teacher using the published School Improvement Plan as a basis for their monitoring.

Day to Day management

The Head Teachers are responsible for day-to-day management of their school.
